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Chair’s Allowance

Generally speaking, the role of Councillor on Birchwood Town Council is unpaid. It is only the Chair during his/her year of tenure who will receive an allowance.

Allowances are paid in accordance with Regulation 15(3) of Members Allowance Regulations 2003 as follows: 15(3) As soon as reasonably practicable after the end of a year to which the scheme relates, an authority shall make arrangements for the publication within the authority’s area of the total sum paid by it in the year under the scheme to each recipient in respect of each of the following— (a) basic allowance; (b) special responsibility allowance; (c) dependants’ carers’ allowance; (d) travelling and subsistence allowance; and (e) co-optees’ allowance.

The only Councillor who receives any allowance in a financial year is the Chair.  They receive this as a ‘special responsibility allowance’.

The amount paid in 2023/2024 is £1,000.  This will remain the same in the 2024/2025 financial year.  The amount has not increased in over ten years.

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