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Annual Audit and Governance

Annual Governance & Accountability Return

The Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) is the document that is submitted by local councils presenting a summary of their audit and financial information.

Annual Internal Audits

The Annual Internal Audit is a signed checklist showing whether certain aspects of the council running has been internally reviewed, and whether the council conforms.

Notice of Conclusion of Audit

This is a document confirming that the accounts for the last accounting year have been published.

External Audit Reports

This is a certificate signed by an external auditor after a review of the AGAR.

Internal Audit Reports

This is a certificate presented after an internal audit of the council.

Notice of Public Rights

This is a document explaining the rights the public have in being able to inspect the council's annual accounts.

Other Finance Documents

To view the internally audited Income and Expenditure Account sheet, and the Balance Sheet, and other related documents, for the year end March 2023 click on the links below

Policies and Proceedures

Asset Register

Details of the council's owned assets.

Council Policies

All council policies will be shown on this page

Councillor Code of Conduct

This is a document explaining the role and expected conduct of Councillors.

Risk Assessments

These documents outline risk assessments carried out by the local council.

Chair’s Annual Reports

The Chair's annual reports will be shown on this page

Chair’s Allowance

Information about the chair's allowance

Town Council Precept

Information about the town council precept will be shown here

Financial Regulations

The regulations which the council must follow for finance will be shown on this page

Commitments & Pledges

Civility and Respect Pledge

This details whether the council has signed the Civility and Respect pledge. This is a project between NALC, SLCC and OVW to help councils show their zero tolerance for bullying, harassment and intimidation in local councils.

Declaration of Climate Emergency

Documents relating to whether the council has declared a climate emergency.

Finance Archive

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