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The Annual Town Meeting is the meeting where the Chair will deliver his/her Annual Report on the activities of the Council during their year of tenure. The Annual Town Council Meeting is the meeting where the Chair and Vice Chair are elected and committees and nominated representatives on outside bodies are decided.
Finance, Budget and Precept
Finance Meetings of Birchwood Town Council, including annual budget and precept meetings. The budget and precept meetings are where the Council discusses its priorities and budgets, setting the precept for the forthcoming financial year. These are usually held during the last quarter of the year. Meetings to discuss the Council's governance and year end audit are held in June. After that meeting the year end accounts/AGAR are presented for external audit.
Full Council
Full Council Meetings of Birchwood Town Council. There are usually ten or eleven full meetings of the Town Council during a calendar year, which take place at Parkers Farm, Delenty Drive, Birchwood. They are usually held on the fourth Tuesday of each month (except for August and December). Meetings start at 6.00 pm unless otherwise specified. There is usually no meeting in August as the Council is in Recess. These meetings are open to the public, with a short period of time put aside for public participation at the beginning of each meeting.